Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Fun 2010

So this is a big compilation of pictures ... just for fun. I totally missed Ethan's b-day and all the summer fun, but I figure I should just start from where I'm at :)

As you can see from one of these pictures I am currently very pregnant. Hallie will be here no later than January 21st 2011. I will also be graduating with my Associate's of Art December 17th 2010. Ethan is almost halfway through his kindergarten year and Max is getting more and more independent every day. His "2" phase started about 6 months ago, but he actually turns two on Friday. Eli will be taking his actuary exam again just before Hallie gets here and we are praying that goes well for him. Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner and both are definitely better with family and friends. Christmas this year will be so fun with two little boys who are in great anticipation for it and I am excited for both of the upcoming holidays! They are my favorite time of year!